The 3rd Eureka International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (IIEC) was successfully held via Zoom meetings on the 25th July, 2020.
The restriction of COVID-19 global pandemic did not stop the sharing of exciting novel technology development and unique business opportunities across Australia, Asia and Europe from 3 different time zones.
Concurrent sessions of competitions were held to allow opportunities for the excellent teams to showcase their brilliant ideas and fantastic team capabilities.

The CEO of Eureka International Group George Georgiou opened the competition
After the opening of the event, the selected teams presented their pitches addressing the challenges in the 4 focus areas:
Information technology & Digital technology
Advanced Manufacturing
Biotechnology and Healthcare
4. Agriculture and Food
A few highlights of teams attracted judges‘ attention:

WARMR team from Russia presented the novel wearable material to keep cyclist warm in winter
“I would like to buy the product for my bike.” One of the judges commented after WARMR pitch. The novel battery design to provide sustained heating for the wearables spiked the discussion among judges.

EOPLUS Team from Monash University introduced us to the personalized wearables to address mental health.
Mental health is of vital importance for individuals and for the society, especially now, as we are going through the pandemic. The Bennett Group, from Monash Food Chemistry department introduced us to the new possibilities to manage the mental health with natural and effective ingredients in the wearable products. It is very excited to keep eyes on the research development to prototype.
Our huge thanks go to the judges who worked tirelessly to evaluate the high-quality projects.

Judges from technical expertise areas, businesses fields enjoyed the virtual interactions with the participants.
The results of the competition will be finalized in the coming days. Watch this space for the award announcement event! At last, but not least, we would like to acknowledge the collaboration and support from the partners:
