China Medical Product Registration Seminar
With the support of Launchvic (Vic Government) and Eureka TechIN, the Australia China Health Accelerator (ACHA) has established the Australian health startup founder education program, “UprAsia”. UprAsia program is designed to provide you with the introductory information about Asian healthcare markets and develop your curiosity for markets other than the US or Europe. The program is completely free of charge for Australian Medtech companies and startups. More information available: https://www.uprasia.org/
ACHA also recently received Commonwealth Government’s support (via Department of Industry’s Accelerator Support scheme) to bring two international medtech experts to Melbourne. The experts will provide valuable insights and share their experience in the Chinese healthcare market with Australian medtech companies. The first expert is Mr Qing Li (Chief Scientific Officer, Guangzhou Boji Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Co., Ltd) who has deep knowledge in the China FDA processes (especially medical devices registration). Mr Li will present at a seminar on Wednesday 14 August evening (details below).
Venue: Eureka Technology, Level 19, 357 Collins Street, Melbourne
Date: 14 August (Wednesday) 2019
Time: 6:00 to 8:30 pm
Do not miss the opportunity to understand how you and your company can benefit from entry into one of the fast-growing and second-largest healthcare markets in the world.