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EurekaTechIn's Partner, ACHA, Held the UprAsia Launch and the First Workshop

Eureka Technology Innovation & Investment (EurekaTechIn)'s partner, Australia China Health Accelerator (ACHA), held the first UprAsia workshop on Wednesday evening of 16th January 2019.

In November 2018, EurekaTechIn and ACHA signed the strategic collaboration agreement to support the UprAsia Education Program together. The Uprasia Education Program is designed to help Startup founders understand Asian markets and develop strategies and relationships to enter markets with optimal productive relationships. It is a series of workshops on topics such as Intellectual Property, business culture, investor relationships and other knowledge vital to success in Asian markets.

The UprAsia launch and the first workshop was attended by 17 participants from 7 Startup companies which are keen to know more about entering Asian markets. The event was opened by Jason Sun, CEO of ACHA, who described the program and its value. He appreciated the UprAsia sponsors LaunchVic, and EurekaTechIn who are the founder partners and co-funding of the UprAsia. He then appreciated the sponsor of the evening's event, Asialink Business.

Dr. Lizi Li, General Manager of EurekaTechIn then welcomed the participants to the program. Thomas Day, Enterprise Solutions Manager, China Practice from Asialink Business then congratulated the participants and spoke of the unique design of UprAsia and how valuable Asialink Business saw such a program.

Following sessions by Jacqueline Plunkett, Lawyer at Watermark covered confidentiality agreements. The evening closed with Tim Carroll, ACHA Director of technology presenting on Global trade, Australian innovation and the rise of Asian market opportunities.

The UpraAsia continues for 8 weeks and will be followed by a guided visit to China to meet with partner organisations, Investors, Innovation Parks and precincts.


To find out more information about the UprAsia Education program, please click here.



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